About Kathi Munson Founder of Intuitivekat and Voices of Enlightenment

My Story
I have known that I was different from a very young age. My first experience is when I was around 5 years old and I was playing with my Barbie doll in my room. I felt a presence in the room and happily handed my Barbie doll to them.
Often times I would get up in the middle of the night because I was hearing and feeling things in my room. I would go to my mother’s bedroom and tell her “Mom, I am hearing things; there is someone in my room”. She would tell me it was just my imagination and request that I go back to bed. It was scary to me and I did not understand what was going on. Because of this, I put my gifts away with my Barbie dolls.
All through growing up, I would constantly hear songs in my head and I would also make up songs. Singing gave me a voice, a way to express myself; at least people would listen to me when I sang. I still had things come to me, but I did not want to express what I was feeling and hearing. In adult hood I became a professional singer and it felt great to use my voice, to express.
I got married and became pregnant with twins and something changed, something opened up. I felt different in a good way. The senses I was using didn’t scare me anymore and almost felt normal to me. I felt so connected with the tiny lives within my belly. The connection was extremely strong and throughout my pregnancy I communicated with my unborn twins regularly and the conversation was two way.
After the birth of my children, I became very curious about my gifts and had a strong desire to understand them more and accept them. There was one problem, I had no idea where and who to turn to, to help me. Around this time, another development occurred; I acquired the ability to see spirits in addition to hearing them and feeling them. My first “seeing” experience was in my mothers friend's home in her living room where I saw very bright flashes of light swirling around the room. I was even more motivated to understand what was happening.
I sought out a reading from renowned psychic, Gary McKinstry. In his assessment of my “gift” he told me that I was meant to use my gift to help people. He said, “stop hiding your light under a bushel” which meant to me, I now had a safe place to use my voice. He stated that I had psychic abilities that could be developed, but also that I was a medium like him. In other words, I was able to speak with the dead. He became my mentor and I took his medium class to fine tune my skills. Through my development, I connected with my spirit guides. I am now guided by "the group" which consists of my spirit guides, angels, archangels, light beings, ascended masters and sometimes your past loved ones. Due to this, my readings are full of love, blessings, and are focused on messages for your higher good.
I worked in various jobs, but on the side conducted “readings” for people and provided them with messages from their loved ones who have passed. It brought me such joy and happiness and I knew that this is what I was brought into this world to do. My new business began to grow and I made the decision to work as a psychic–medium full time. In my heart I knew it was the right choice, but was challenging at the time to provide for my family. I stuck with my choice and to this day I am so grateful and glad that I did.
As time went on, my clients became curious about my skills and more and more of them requested to learn from me. In 2008, I started teaching Reiki which is a form of healing energy work. My classes started to grow and it seemed my clients where starving for more. I have since developed many classes and still offer them today. Topics include: tarot cards, angel cards, pet communication, Reiki I, II and III, grounding and protection, past life regression and crystal healing. I also conduct house clearing and blessings and have worked with police on criminal investigations.
I know this is my purpose and am excited to be on my life path were I am able to help people. In the past few years, I have started to help my clients by coaching them through life transformations, work, new jobs, relationships, anything that is causing them angst. Close to my heart is my work with gifted children. I know all too well how it feels to be “different” and misunderstood. I am passionate about mentoring them to use their true voice, a voice that is very much in need of in this world.
Thank you visiting my website and allowing me to help you.
Healings and Blessings,
I have known that I was different from a very young age. My first experience is when I was around 5 years old and I was playing with my Barbie doll in my room. I felt a presence in the room and happily handed my Barbie doll to them.
Often times I would get up in the middle of the night because I was hearing and feeling things in my room. I would go to my mother’s bedroom and tell her “Mom, I am hearing things; there is someone in my room”. She would tell me it was just my imagination and request that I go back to bed. It was scary to me and I did not understand what was going on. Because of this, I put my gifts away with my Barbie dolls.
All through growing up, I would constantly hear songs in my head and I would also make up songs. Singing gave me a voice, a way to express myself; at least people would listen to me when I sang. I still had things come to me, but I did not want to express what I was feeling and hearing. In adult hood I became a professional singer and it felt great to use my voice, to express.
I got married and became pregnant with twins and something changed, something opened up. I felt different in a good way. The senses I was using didn’t scare me anymore and almost felt normal to me. I felt so connected with the tiny lives within my belly. The connection was extremely strong and throughout my pregnancy I communicated with my unborn twins regularly and the conversation was two way.
After the birth of my children, I became very curious about my gifts and had a strong desire to understand them more and accept them. There was one problem, I had no idea where and who to turn to, to help me. Around this time, another development occurred; I acquired the ability to see spirits in addition to hearing them and feeling them. My first “seeing” experience was in my mothers friend's home in her living room where I saw very bright flashes of light swirling around the room. I was even more motivated to understand what was happening.
I sought out a reading from renowned psychic, Gary McKinstry. In his assessment of my “gift” he told me that I was meant to use my gift to help people. He said, “stop hiding your light under a bushel” which meant to me, I now had a safe place to use my voice. He stated that I had psychic abilities that could be developed, but also that I was a medium like him. In other words, I was able to speak with the dead. He became my mentor and I took his medium class to fine tune my skills. Through my development, I connected with my spirit guides. I am now guided by "the group" which consists of my spirit guides, angels, archangels, light beings, ascended masters and sometimes your past loved ones. Due to this, my readings are full of love, blessings, and are focused on messages for your higher good.
I worked in various jobs, but on the side conducted “readings” for people and provided them with messages from their loved ones who have passed. It brought me such joy and happiness and I knew that this is what I was brought into this world to do. My new business began to grow and I made the decision to work as a psychic–medium full time. In my heart I knew it was the right choice, but was challenging at the time to provide for my family. I stuck with my choice and to this day I am so grateful and glad that I did.
As time went on, my clients became curious about my skills and more and more of them requested to learn from me. In 2008, I started teaching Reiki which is a form of healing energy work. My classes started to grow and it seemed my clients where starving for more. I have since developed many classes and still offer them today. Topics include: tarot cards, angel cards, pet communication, Reiki I, II and III, grounding and protection, past life regression and crystal healing. I also conduct house clearing and blessings and have worked with police on criminal investigations.
I know this is my purpose and am excited to be on my life path were I am able to help people. In the past few years, I have started to help my clients by coaching them through life transformations, work, new jobs, relationships, anything that is causing them angst. Close to my heart is my work with gifted children. I know all too well how it feels to be “different” and misunderstood. I am passionate about mentoring them to use their true voice, a voice that is very much in need of in this world.
Thank you visiting my website and allowing me to help you.
Healings and Blessings,